Couple sitting on the couch on a tablet

The Parkinson's Foundation is dedicated to bringing the Parkinson’s disease (PD) community virtual educational and wellness programs through PD Health @ Home.

PD Health @ Home allows you to access at-home resources year-round through weekly online events designed for you. 

PD Health @ Home Events

Upcoming Educational Events

Educational Events

Mindfulness Mondays - Mental Wellbeing

Join us every Monday as our expert speaker leads you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress. Whether this is your first mindfulness Monday, or you are a returning participant, these sessions are created with the intention of including everyone. There will be time for questions following the practice.


Past Events


Always Available Resources

PD Conversations

Join our online network of support.

Find a Local Chapter

Get involved with the PD community in your area.

Contact Our Helpline

Find answers to your Parkinson's questions.

Light of Day Foundation logo

PD Health @ Home is presented by the Light of Day Foundation, whose generosity has made this programming possible.

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