More Ways to Give

Explore the meaningful giving options that maximize your impact and help make life better for people with Parkinson's.

Women spending time together outside

Supporters of the Parkinson’s Foundation seek simple, yet powerful, ways to improve care and advance Parkinson’s disease (PD) research toward a cure. To help you realize your vision for the Parkinson’s community, explore these giving options that help you maximize your impact today.

The vital work of the Parkinson’s Foundation would not be possible without the generosity of supporters like you. Thank you!

Ways to Give

Donor Advised Funds

Make a larger impact and support the Parkinson’s community through this tax-efficient giving option.

IRA Charitable Rollovers

Explore making the gift of a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) directly from your IRA. This type of gift helps save on taxes and further our mission.

Stock and Other Securities

Donating a charitable gift of stock or mutual fund shares helps further PD research and allows you to receive a tax deduction.

Impactful Ways to Leave a Legacy

When you include the Foundation in your planned giving, you take your place at the forefront of Parkinson’s care and research, making a cure for Parkinson’s part of your life’s legacy.

Older man walking with son, who has his son on his shoulders

Legacy Society

When you make a planned gift to the Parkinson’s Foundation you will join a special group of donors who are passionate about making life better for people with Parkinson’s.


Ready to add us to your will? In partnership with FreeWill, Parkinson’s Foundation supporters can create their legal will for free, and most people finish in 20 minutes or less.


Beneficiary Designations

This simple way to support those with Parkinson’s allows you to specify a charity to support and percentage of assets they should receive.


MY PD STORY: Michael Eisenberg

It is my hope that scientists will find ways to help people with PD enjoy a longer, healthier lifespan.

Additional Giving Options

Employer Matching Gifts

Many employers match charitable contributions made by employees. Make a matching gift and make double the impact! 


Gift of Real Estate

Make an even bigger difference with a gift of real estate. Donating appreciated real estate can make a big impact in the fight against Parkinson’s.


Donate a Vehicle

Whether your vehicle runs or not, it can be a valuable donation to help people with Parkinson’s. We can take cars, motorcycles, RVs, boats, airplanes — even farm equipment!


Donate Gold Jewelry and Sterling Silver

Turn your unwanted gold and sterling silver into a gift to the Parkinson’s Foundation. Work with our friends at Jewelry For Good to donate your unwanted items or host a Bring Your Bling event.


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