Social & Emotional Wellness

Check-In begins at 12:00 pm
Emotional and social health is an important part of living well with Parkinson’s disease. Many symptoms of Parkinson’s can affect emotional and social wellness. Learn how various clinical and creative therapies can support not only symptom management but the overall well-being of the person living with PD.
Dr. Gregory Pontone, MD
Johns Hopkins
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their families, friends, and the community.
PARKING: The parking garage adjacent to Hotel is owned and managed by the Dulaney Center (not Sheraton Baltimore North). Hotel guests are permitted to access and use the garage at all times. There is a Hotel preferred rate of $6.00 per car for up to 3 hours and $15.00 per car per day (up to 24 hours).
Contact Us
Kelly Nicoll
COVID SAFETY: The health and safety of our participants, sponsors, volunteers and staff are our top priority. We continue to monitor CDC recommendations and will adhere to state and local COVID guidelines in place on the event day. Adjustments will be made if necessary.
Upcoming Events
Community Care Expo Las Vegas
This event is designed to connect professionals with resources for your Parkinson's patients and/or residents.
Moving Day The Villages, FL
Moving Day is your chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action.
2025 Los Angeles Marathon Weekend
Parkinson’s Champions athletes raise funds and awareness for the Parkinson’s Foundation while competing in some of the world’s most popular races. Every step we take brings us closer to a future without Parkinson’s disease, because Parkinson’s isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.