PD GENEration: Advancing Research, Empowering Lives
A Program for Healthcare Professionals

Learn about PD GENEration, a groundbreaking initiative advancing Parkinson’s disease research through genetic testing and genetic counseling. This session will provide an overview of the study’s history, current progress, and ambitious 2025 goals to expand participation and recruitment.
Discover how you can get involved by referring patients for testing by becoming a referral site and explore how PD GENEration is driving critical advancements in Parkinson’ s research.
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Upcoming Events
Community Care Expo Las Vegas
This event is designed to connect professionals with resources for your Parkinson's patients and/or residents.
Moving Day The Villages, FL
Moving Day is your chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action.
2025 Los Angeles Marathon Weekend
Parkinson’s Champions athletes raise funds and awareness for the Parkinson’s Foundation while competing in some of the world’s most popular races. Every step we take brings us closer to a future without Parkinson’s disease, because Parkinson’s isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.