Fundraising Events

Moving Day Nashville Rewards Party

Hillsboro Church of Christ
5800 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
11:30 am to 1:30 pm CDT
Nashville Rewards Party

The Parkinson's Foundation is excited to invite participants to a special celebration of Moving Day’s success! Those who earned fundraising prizes will have the opportunity to pick them up on October 19, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, at Hillsboro Church of Christ. Guests can enjoy Martin’s Barbecue while celebrating the collective achievements of the community.

Please note that all donations must be submitted by October 18 to qualify for fundraising rewards.

Upcoming Events

Fundraising Events

2025 Los Angeles Marathon Weekend

Parkinson’s Champions athletes raise funds and awareness for the Parkinson’s Foundation while competing in some of the world’s most popular races. Every step we take brings us closer to a future without Parkinson’s disease, because Parkinson’s isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Los Angeles, CA
Fundraising Events

Moving Day @ Home

Moving Day @ Home, A Virtual Walk for Parkinson’s, is an inspiring and empowering twice-year fundraising event that you can do from wherever you are.

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